Norwich Rotary Club

Club Meeting, August 14th, 2019 – A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Inauguration!



Reporter: Bob F.

Photographer: Joel

Date 8/14/2019


Presiding: President Mike Cooney


Invocation: Larry Fowler


Fellowship: Bob F. Bob described the vicissitudes involved in orchestrating George Washington’s inauguration. Delayed transportation, confusion over protocol, uncertainty over the form his compensation would take all affected the day’s events. A revealing look at how quotidian matters and less than perfect planning plagued even exemplary historical figures.


Birthdays: None encountered.

Rotarian Anniversaries: None detected.


Rotarians with guests: Laura Hobart introduced Kathy Allen and today’s speaker Samantha Manfreda. Gary Young introduced Shiela Hayes, Mike Matera reintroduced prospective member Jeff Brining and Joel introduced the estimable Roz.


Visiting Rotarians:  Perhaps another time.


AnnouncementsAn edict from President Mike, Esq. Turn off or silence all cell phones now avoid grave consequences baleful glances and muttered imprecations. Gary Young noted the impressive list of golf tournament bid sheets gracing one of the tables. He encouraged everyone to bid early and often! President Mike, regaining control of the proceedings, noted that volunteers and security personnel are needed for Celebrate Diversity.  Roz pointed out the event flyers located at each table. All prospective speakers, performers, and thespians should be referred to Mary Richardson or Kevin Wickless.  Remember that Happy Dollars funds are available for emergencies.


Correspondence:  No missives to report.


Presentation:  Not today.


Service person of the Month: Wrong month!


Happy Dollars: With Jen! Jen recounted a visit with a childhood friend from St. Louis and gathering with other grammar school friends. Laura welcomed her guests. Bill Champagne reminded those assembled of the Norwich Historical Society’s Trivia contest on September 21 from 6-8 in the same space as our Rotary meetings!  An incredible coincidence, which drew gasps from several members. Susie shared some of the important lessons heard at a training seminar in Chicago. Among them: people buy into people; establish your credibility; lasting change takes time. She also recounted an example of less than stellar customer service and noted sadly the death of her stepmother. Andy Nollman is departing on vacation. Shiela Hayes was pleased to see Barry, thanked Gary Young for his community service and spoke of the importance of ending teen homelessness. Mike Cooney shared anecdotes about Matt’s bicycle sortie without training wheels and the challenges of hiking with a small child. Kathy Allen thanked all for supporting the effort to end teen homelessness. Gary welcomed Shiela and thanked Barry for buying lunch so he now had money to spare. A queue of potential recipients formed immediately.

Barry gave a tip of the hat to Shiela and Roz and as a surrogate for Keith Caplet presented a $1,500 check from Chelsea Groton Bank for the golf tournament. He also waxed poetic about a sojourn to Fenway Park with Gary, Stan Lucas and a host of other celebrities and local noteworthies.



Auction: Paul Blanchard proffered an American Flag from Overhead Door, similar to the one that generated fierce bidding last year. In a terrific show of restraint and prudent bidding, Barry outmaneuvered several competitors and claimed the flag for $35. Abandoning Gary, the queue reformed around Barry, who obviously had more money to spare. They departed wiser but no wealthier.


 Lottery: with a cast of thousands:

Jen: No


Andy: No


Larry: No


Stunned by the results several members began a petition for a new deck of cards. The outcome was not available at the time of this report.

Samantha Manfreda


Program:  Samantha Manfreda, an intern at the Thames River Family Program was today’s speaker. She described in detail the services designed to end teen homelessness and emphasized that this was both a local and national problem. Youth specific homeless response, resources including youth navigators, diversion and rapid exit funds, crisis housing, rapid re-housing, and provider training and technical assistance are all means of combating this crisis.


The Four Way Test: In lieu of the test, President Mike offered philosophical musings.