Norwich Rotary Club

Things We’re Thankful for in 2018

We’ve had a great year so far this year in the Norwich Rotary Club, and today seems like a pretty good day to give thanks to a lot of the people who’ve helped make it happen. So here’s something you can read while you’re waiting for the turkey to be done.

Thank you to everyone who pulled a “No Show” and helped us raise almost $10,000 to buy coats for kids in Norwich. Especially Overhead Door of Eastern Connecticut and Dr. Manny Kadish for donating $1,000 each. We were floored by that, and cannot thank you enough! Next year’s No Show Gala will be starting soon, so stay tuned.

Thank you to Rodney and Lucille Green for their tireless efforts in purchasing and distributing 1,170 coats this year. Also, thank you for putting us up for a few emergency meetings this year. The food at Old Tymes is always amazing.

As always, having the amazing Lottie Scott in our Club, and getting to see her recognized with by the State of Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities with a Maria Colon Sanchez Community Activism Award. By the way, now would be a great time to get Lottie’s book, Deep South, Deep North.

Kathleen Stauffer presenting a Paul Harris Fellow to Ed Cubanski 

We’re thankful for another successful Norwich Native Son / Daughter Award. We had an amazing honoree this year, in Captain Ed Cubanski. Thanks to Mary Richardson, Denny Gibbs, Linda Cotter, Stacey Gould, Kyle Muenzner and Mike Cooney for organizing this year’s event. Thanks to the Norwich Sunrise Rotary Club and the Norwich Woman’s City Club for running this event with us.

Kyle Muenzner’s visionary leadership in creating Culture for Coats.

We’re so thankful for a Successful Celebrate Cultural Diversity event and to Barry Shead and the entire Celebrate Diversity Committee. You guys hit another home run this year. The food was amazing, as was the entertainment.

Thank you to everyone from the Norwich Rotary Community Corps. You guys do amazing work.

We’re thankful for the incomparable passion and drive of Bonnie Hong always, but specifically, her continued excellence in making sure the Norwich Rotary Carnival is an amazing success. The Carnival raises a lot of money for the Norwich community and provides a great deal of fun for families in Norwich.

Bonnie, we can’t wait to have you back with us every week. Get well soon.


Two Amazing Interact Clubs with future community leaders from Norwich Tech and Norwich Free Academy. Thank you to Kevin Wickless, Michelle Scott and Bonnie Hong for your support in building these groups! We can’t wait to see what you’re going to accomplish in the future.

We’re gratful for Mike Matera and everyone else on the Amber Alert Committee for your hard work in registering kids in this worthwhile project.

And we couldn’t forget the leadership of President Kathleen Stauffer in 2017-2018, which saw our club grow in membership. Her Presidential project helped needy Norwich parents get to see their kid’s school activities. Thank you, Kathleen! (And thank you AnnMarie Bellenoit for all your hard work and support. We think you’re pretty amazing.)

Thanks to our new President Jim Daly for guiding us on the adventure that 2018-2019 has been thus far. 

A big thanks to Mary Richardson and Kevin Wickless for making sure we have amazing speakers each week.

Thanks, Joel Etra for your amazing photographs, and for you stalwart song-leading. The only shame is that you aren’t there to see just how bad we sound when you’re not there. (And thanks for bringing Roz.)

We’re thankful for the amazing work done by the Haitian Health Foundation. We’re grateful that we get to play a small part in your success.
We’re thankful for the Madonna Place Trivia Challange, too.

We should also take a second to think of how lucky we are to have “Mr. Rotary”, Gary Young. Both for his amazing graces, and his hard work in making sure the Golf Tournament was a success again in 2018.

And thank you and our apologies to everyone we didn’t mention by name. We’re grateful for your hard work too!